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Celebration Ritual

walk, run, jump, dance
laugh, hug, sing —BE!—
being physical.
Feel your inner self
expanding out out out
into your world
through your outstretched hands,
your uplifted face,
your front, your back, 
the top of your head…
feel your bones,
feel your muscles,
your body bending, flexing
Grow roots from
your legs & feet
down into the ground. 
expand into your roots.
radiate from your heart.
Exercise in gratitude
Your physical definition
is a manifestation of your expansion.
When you recognize the 
DIVINE nature
In yourself,
You recognize
the DIVINE in your world.
You realize that
the DIVINE you expand towards
& into
IS in you, through you, above you,
beneath you,
all around you.
It is so much FUN.
Poems and text writen and published by Scentsible Life's founder Andrea Schally, with the help of Auralia Haselboeck, George Sadi Kerr, and Susan Tossman in 1994