Native to Afro-Eurasia, Lavender (a member of the mint family) grows about 3 feet tall and is covered in oil producing glands. In modern times it is known for its ability to heal burns and calm the body and mind, but this essential oil has a host of health supporting benefits. Growing conditions such as the soil, altitude, and the weather cause subtle differences in its aroma between the different batches produced.
Aroma: Rich and floral, slightly fruity and at times slight camphor
Uses: First aid, burn relief, balancing mind, body, and emotions
There are so many amazing properties of Lavender Essential Oil that we can't possibly list them all on our website. Instead, we strongly encourage you to contact us so we can give you specific information on how to use our oils to benefit your specific needs.
Send us an email or call us at Scentsible Life. We look forward to helping you!
Phone: (323) 336-7184