Native to Australia, the leaves of this 20 foot tall tree was commonly used by the aboriginal people, if even just to make tea. Touted for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, this essential oil can address many external and internal conditions. This oil is so useful that the US Military exempted Tea Tree producers from military service to ensure there was adequate supply during WWII
Aroma: Fresh, slightly medicinal, woody, camphor
Uses: Antibiotic, fights infections and helps fight fungal infections
There are so many amazing properties of Tea Tree Essential Oil that we can't possibly list them all on our website. Instead, we strongly encourage you to contact us so we can give you specific information on how to use this oil to benefit your specific needs.
Send us an email or call us at Scentsible Life. We look forward to helping you!
Phone: (323) 336-7184
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