Native to India, Indochina, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, this tall tropical tree gives rise to yellow flowers so esteemed they earned this plant the name “flower of flowers.” The steam distillation process is lengthy, but the final product is exceptional in the use of perfumery, skincare and haircare.
Aroma: Sweet, exotic, floral
Uses: Anti-depressant, hypotensive, sedative, hair growth stimulant (try combining with Rosemary)
There are so many amazing properties of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil that we can't possibly list them all on our website. Instead, we strongly encourage you to contact us so we can give you specific information on how to use this oil to benefit your specific needs.
Send us an email or call us at Scentsible Life. We look forward to helping you!
Phone: (323) 336-7184
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